Opportunity in Apps and Campus Maps

One of my student teams is working on a business plan for a campus mapping application company. Their ideas are fascinating and I look forward to seeing their output at the end of the semester. The Wired Campus blog at the Chronicle of Higher Education has an interesting piece on various location driven applications and how they are being used in and around campuses. From Travis Kaya:

Rather than simply viewing static maps on their smartphone screens, students can now join virtual scavenger hunts, access location-specific pictures and video, and win prizes for checking in at campus hotspots.

“Universities in general are more into social media than businesses because social media is such a great community builder,” said Christina Dorobek, university specialist at application developer SCVNGR. “It was a market that we thought was really important to reach out to.”

SCVNGR was founded by a Princeton University student who wanted to add a “game layer” to everyday life. Much like its namesake, the scavenger hunt, the SCVNGR application lays out a series of tasks—or “treks”—that players must complete out in the real world to earn points for prizes. Colleges have begun working with SCVNGR to tailor treks to individual campuses in order to get prospective and current students acquainted with areas on campus they otherwise might never visit.

Location-Based Apps Add Virtual Dimension to Campus Maps – Wired Campus – The Chronicle of Higher Education.

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